Tuesday, July 03, 2007


so I decided to blog again. The girls are happily glued to the TV in the rumpus room watching Shrek 3, so it is fairly quite here (for the time being). I have had a productive morning and am pleased to say that all my housework is done. I've also spoken to Kass, who is in Vancouver and she sounds great. She is looking forward to coming home and will arrive back in Melbourne on Thursday morning.

This morning I also decided that Gigi and I would have a real good crack at this toilet training thing and while she is extremely excited about wearing undies, I have already had to clean one pair of pants with poo in them and another pair full of wees...oh the joys of toilet training.

Last night I completed Janelle Wind's Felt Folio class that is available on Kim Archer's web site and am absolutely thrilled with the result. Who knew I could sew LOL! I am so going to Spotlight tomorrow to get some more supplies so I can make a few more. I am also going to give this chooky a go after seeing it on Rach's blog.

Well that's it for me for today...I'll leave you with my Loves and Loathes list...

*my best friend being in hospital and feeling useless that I can't do anything
*toilet training
*deciding what to cook for tea
*being out of Kraft CS right in the middle of a project

*sleep ins
*a clean house
*Kim Archer's online classes
*Big Brother Live Streaming
*scrapping time

1 comment:

Trish said...

Sorry about the kraft cs :( lol
I hated toilet training too so glad I am past that lol