Tuesday, October 24, 2006


a dog, two little girls and one flustered mother after a trip to the vets. Mother decides that on the way home she will stop at 7-Eleven to buy some bread and milk. She parks right out the front, leaves the kids and dog in the car while she quickly ducks in...she guesses she will only be a minute or two. The mother grabs the bread and milk and heads over to the counter to pay only to find that there is a queue. In total she is probably only in the store for less than five minutes. She returns to the car, finding nothing abnormal, and heads home to make lunch for the kids. The kids decide to eat their sandwiches and yoghurt out in the sunshine while the mother sits down for a much needed caffeine fix. The littlest of the two girls comes in wanting to wipe yoghurt off her face and the mother notices something different about her fringe. To end a long story short, whilst the mother had been in the store buying bread and milk the two little girls had undone their seatbelts climbed over into the front seat, grabbed some scissors from the glove box, returned to the back seat and gave each other a haircut. The mother is unsure of whether to laugh or cry and all she can think is thank god we had the professional photos taken last weekend!

I will have to take some photos later to show you the evidence.


Anonymous said...

there is not a little girl on earth who hasnt done this! LOL how funny :)

Philippa said...

ROFL! Reminds me of when hubby found a lock of hair on the lounge. I immediately looked a Peggy and asked 'where did you cut your hair?' she pointed at the lounge. I meant what part of her hair did she cut, lol. She was four.

Jess said...

Oh Ange. That's hilarious - but if it was my kid I'd probably be devastated! One of those things that's much funnier when it happens to someone else!


Liz said...

lmao !! oh Ange..how funny is that.

Katie Toland said...

oh that is funny. I have pics of Ethan's hair... but DH was responsible for that disaster, not Ethan!

I was thinking the same thing with the photos... thank goodness it was the week before!

Ngaire said...

Oh dear! Reminds me of the time my brother attacked his hair with a pair of scissors when he was four!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ange.....nice meeting you on the weekend at PAPERIFIC. Sounds like your girls had a bit of fun with the hair cuts!
Congrats on becoming a LIMETART too! You and Lee will love it!

Marieke said...

I can so relate! My little girl had her hair cut TWICE by another child within a month's time at her caregiver. I was so furious as after the first time she'd promised not to let the kids alone in the room again with scissors... There was so much hair cut and her hair grows so slow... It's been 6 months and it will be at least another year or so until it's all the same length again. (she wears her hair just past the ears and has only had 2 hair cuts at the hairdressers since she was born. She's four now...)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh your girls are a scream!!

I love these stories ...

love ya
